Currently browsing articles tagged "equine"

So… it’s been a minute or 2 since i’ve blogged.  Wellllll, more like 2 years – eek!

Although my website hasn’t reflected it, there has been a LOT going on at the barn!!!  I was thinking recently about how much i’ve missed writing and keeping the world (or my little world at least) updated on all the amazing, difficult, heart wrenching, beautiful and hilariously fun things going on around my little piece of heaven… the Green Barn.… Continue Reading

Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our December newsletter :)

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Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our November newsletter :)

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LOL.  I couldn’t help myself.  The answer is who knows?  :)  When we, in the horse world, talk about “teeth floating,” we don’t mean on top of water…

Horse teeth are VERY different from human teeth.  First and foremost, they grow – continually.   … Continue Reading

Interested in what’s happening at the Green Barn?  Check out our October newsletter :)

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There is a very special place in my heart for people who rescue horses.  It’s hard to believe that a beauty such as Boomer would need “rescuing,” or even adopting but, unfortunately in the world of horse-racing, more often than not these incredible athletes find themselves in less than ideal situations when their racing careers are over.… Continue Reading

At the Green Barn, we definitely try to be as “green” as possible.  It is our belief that horses, like humans, perform best in their natural habitats, with excellent nutrition and health care. We are so thankful for our incredible vet, Dr.… Continue Reading

Now I truly love ALL horses… but sometimes you come across one… or two… that makes you take a second look…

Dying of cuteness overload!!!!!  Welcome “Lucy and Archie” and owner Mary Kate to the Green Barn!!!  Mary Kate imported her 2 adorable Thai Ponies when she moved back to the states to go to college after years of riding professionally overseas.  … Continue Reading

Welcome “Sierra” and Natalie to the Green Barn!  Sierra is a young Palomino Quarter Horse mare with such a sweet little face I just want to give her kisses all day!

Natalie is currently riding and training Sierra to do a variety of disciplines, mainly of the Western variety.  … Continue Reading

I love meeting new personalities and those who are full of life, and neither “Cody,” nor Trish disappoint!  Trish is the sweetest ever and Cody has his “grumpy ‘ole man” persona working for him in spades.  I’m sure you can’t tell at all by the looks he gives… lol!!!  … Continue Reading

Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our August newsletter :)

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I was called in for help last month in rehabbing a sweet babe named Evie who found herself in a heap of trouble when she chowed down on a bunch of leaves from a Red Maple tree.

It’s such an odd thing – this toxicity – it’s well known to most horse owners that Red Maple leaves are toxic, but no one really knows why… and the other weird thing is that the leaves aren’t toxic if ingested while live, it’s when the leaves fall off the tree and wilt that they become dangerous…??… Continue Reading

Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our May newsletter :)

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Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our April newsletter :)

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Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our March newsletter :)

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