Currently browsing articles tagged "trail riding"

So… it’s been a minute or 2 since i’ve blogged.  Wellllll, more like 2 years – eek!

Although my website hasn’t reflected it, there has been a LOT going on at the barn!!!  I was thinking recently about how much i’ve missed writing and keeping the world (or my little world at least) updated on all the amazing, difficult, heart wrenching, beautiful and hilariously fun things going on around my little piece of heaven… the Green Barn.… Continue Reading

Welcome “Sierra” and Natalie to the Green Barn!  Sierra is a young Palomino Quarter Horse mare with such a sweet little face I just want to give her kisses all day!

Natalie is currently riding and training Sierra to do a variety of disciplines, mainly of the Western variety.  … Continue Reading

I love meeting new personalities and those who are full of life, and neither “Cody,” nor Trish disappoint!  Trish is the sweetest ever and Cody has his “grumpy ‘ole man” persona working for him in spades.  I’m sure you can’t tell at all by the looks he gives… lol!!!  … Continue Reading

This past week, we welcomed a big Moose to the Green Barn!  :)  Not literally speaking, but “Moose” is sort of a moose… in a good way ;)  Can anyone guess the breed???  It’s not hard!

LOL!!! Look at that gait!… Continue Reading

You might remember a post I wrote last week, half-joking while airing my dirty laundry about not being in the best mood and feeling quite overwhelmed… basically just having “one of those days,” or in my case, one of those weeks!… Continue Reading