Currently browsing articles tagged "tennessee walker"

So… it’s been a minute or 2 since i’ve blogged.  Wellllll, more like 2 years – eek!

Although my website hasn’t reflected it, there has been a LOT going on at the barn!!!  I was thinking recently about how much i’ve missed writing and keeping the world (or my little world at least) updated on all the amazing, difficult, heart wrenching, beautiful and hilariously fun things going on around my little piece of heaven… the Green Barn.… Continue Reading

This past week, we welcomed a big Moose to the Green Barn!  :)  Not literally speaking, but “Moose” is sort of a moose… in a good way ;)  Can anyone guess the breed???  It’s not hard!

LOL!!! Look at that gait!… Continue Reading

The Green Barn LOVES new friends!

Just this week, we welcomed “Ranger” and “Duke,” and family Heather and Addie.  Both Ranger (right) and Duke (left) are 5 year old geldings (WHEW!  The girls were really outnumbering the boys for a minute there!)… Continue Reading

…to our friend “Smoke” whose Mommy (Brittany) and soon-to-be Daddy (William) are getting married and moving to Kentucky!

We’ve shared quite a bit of time and lots of memories with this sweet Tennessee Walkerboy… and he will surely be missed!

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