Currently browsing articles tagged "nutrition"

LOL.  I couldn’t help myself.  The answer is who knows?  :)  When we, in the horse world, talk about “teeth floating,” we don’t mean on top of water…

Horse teeth are VERY different from human teeth.  First and foremost, they grow – continually.   … Continue Reading

This beautiful 20ish y.o. TB lady named Deja arrived at the Green Barn back in June, and I have to say that sadly, she wasn’t in the greatest condition…

…but I always LOVE to give great news on the cusp of not-so-great news!  … Continue Reading

There’s a (fairly) new and exciting product on the market for horse owners – ration balancers.

A ration balancer is pretty much what it sounds like, a balancer to a horse’s ration (diet).  In an earlier blog about nutrition, I outlined that horses’ bodies are made to live on grass/hay and water alone – not the commercial grains that we all know they LOVE (just listen to all the squealing and nickering during feeding time!)  … Continue Reading

At the Green Barn, I really work hard to provide the most natural environment possible for the horses in every way I can.  This means LOTS of turnout where the horses are free to roam and graze on free-choice grass/hay.  Most horses thrive in this type of environment, because it was what their bodies were made to do naturally.  … Continue Reading

What’s better than an afternoon snack arriving on a truck?  Nothing according to hungry ponies at the Green Barn.  You would think they are starving the way they swarm the hay… and I assure you, they’re not!  Special thanks to Triple L Ranch for their super yummy and excellent quality hay!… Continue Reading

When you’re responsible for horses, one of the main issues you will come across is the struggle in determining the proper nutrition for every horse in your care.  Just like people, all horses have different nutritional needs required to maintain their healthiest weight and fitness level.

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The horses have told me it’s time for hay in their pastures…

…and I wasn’t terribly concerned about this because I have a FANTASTIC hay supplier with great prices. :)

However, i’ve changed my tune a bit as in 4 SHORT DAYS we went from this:

to this!

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It goes without saying that most “horse people” are, by nature, “pet people” in general.  Having said that, one of the most important things we can do for our 4-legged friends, horses or other, is to pay close attention to what we are feeding them.… Continue Reading