Friends of the Green Barn

2 years in the life…

So… it’s been a minute or 2 since i’ve blogged.  Wellllll, more like 2 years – eek!

Although my website hasn’t reflected it, there has been a LOT going on at the barn!!!  I was thinking recently about how much i’ve missed writing and keeping the world (or my little world at least) updated on all the amazing, difficult, heart wrenching, beautiful and hilariously fun things going on around my little piece of heaven… the Green Barn.… Continue Reading

Why Vaccinate?

At the Green Barn, we definitely try to be as “green” as possible.  It is our belief that horses, like humans, perform best in their natural habitats, with excellent nutrition and health care. We are so thankful for our incredible vet, Dr.… Continue Reading

Welcome “Lucy & Archie” and Mary Kate to the Green Barn!

Now I truly love ALL horses… but sometimes you come across one… or two… that makes you take a second look…

Dying of cuteness overload!!!!!  Welcome “Lucy and Archie” and owner Mary Kate to the Green Barn!!!  Mary Kate imported her 2 adorable Thai Ponies when she moved back to the states to go to college after years of riding professionally overseas.  … Continue Reading

It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane…!! It’s a Helicopter?!

So my friend Randy came out to the farm today to take some pictures!  No big deal right? …except that these pics are definitely different than anything I have ever seen…

Um…. wow!  Glad I just finished mowing and everything looks nice :)

Such an amazing gift!  … Continue Reading

The Green Barn – August Updates

Interested in what’s going on at the Green Barn?  Check out our August newsletter :)

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Snapshots of Summer 2013

Who is anxiously awaiting SUMMER OF 2014??  I am!!! In the meantime, here are some highlights from last summer!!

 A new pony for Gillette! -Welcome “Summer Rayne”

Every little girl’s dream… too cute for words :) Maddie (and Audrey’s – not pictured) first pony!Continue Reading

Welcome “Tucker” and “Lily” to the Green Barn!

A few weeks ago we welcomed FOUR new faces to the Green Barn the SAME day…

[2 pony faces + 2 people faces = 4 new faces!]

“Tucker,” a sweeter-than-is-right 4 year old OTT gelding whose talent is obvious to all who meet him, and “Lily” a just LOVELY 6 year old Welsh/draft cross who looks like she’s floating on a cloud as she extends in her trot across the flat; and their owners – Lauren and Becca!  … Continue Reading

Welcome “Rayne” to the Green Barn!

So so so excited to give a big, happy WELCOME to “Rayne” and her proud new owner, Gillette!

“Rayne” is an 8-year-old, strawberry roan Quarter Pony mare with the sweetest disposition and a long, flowing blonde mane that all the ladies are jealous of :)  Grayce wanted to make sure and give her a very special welcome… lol!!!  … Continue Reading

Seton Hill University Equestrian Team (my alma mater!)

I was looking through pictures the other day and had to stop and smile when I saw these:

I was a proud member and officer of the Seton Hill University Equestrian Team during my years there (1999-2002)!  Yikes, did I just date myself?  … Continue Reading

Welcome to the world little ones… :)

I’m so excited to show off some of the cutest pics ever :)

Haley and her sweet lady Crimson and Clover boarded here at the Green Barn several years ago while Haley was attending school at Vanderbilt, and they BOTH quickly became friends of mine.  … Continue Reading

Welcome “Aladdin” and the Lord Family to the Green Barn!


Did somebody say “this horse needs rescued?”  Less than a month ago I heard these words…

Meet “001 – Bay Gelding.”  He was awaiting a tragic end to his life in a kill shelter in Pennsylvania.… Continue Reading

Welcome “Sonny” and Angela to the Green Barn!

This made my year!!

Several months ago, a super sweet gal named Angela and her mom, Anita came by the Green Barn to introduce themselves!  Having just moved here from Vegas, Angela was eager to get plugged in to a barn… she said would work her tail-feather off, clean stalls, haul water buckets – you name it – just to get some time in around her beloved fave animal – horses.  … Continue Reading

Welcome “Ben” and Amy to the Green Barn!

Although both “Ben” and Amy have been at the Green Barn for some time, this is their FORMAL welcome :)


Amy came to the Green Barn several months ago as a staff member, and I have been thrilled to have her.  … Continue Reading

Dear Harriet…

Dear Harriet…

Words cannot express how brave I think you are.  Standing by your pony’s side just like you did and being there for him when he needed you most was a beautiful sight for me to see.  Mozart knew he was loved by you unconditionally, and that you were the reason his last several years on this Earth were so wonderful.  … Continue Reading

Pat’s babies – THE WINNERS! (I’m not surprised!)

The Irish Draught Horse Society‘s annual show was held this past September 13-15, 2012 in La Grange, KY.  Of course, our prized Remmy (Rivendell’s Rembrandt) and Ruby (Rivendell’s Royal Red Ruby) were there in all their glory!  Congratulations to Pat and her babies for cleaning house!  … Continue Reading