I was looking through pictures the other day and had to stop and smile when I saw these:
I was a proud member and officer of the Seton Hill University Equestrian Team during my years there (1999-2002)! Yikes, did I just date myself? :)
I have many other team pics, but who knows where they are! This was from 1999 I believe, when I was an affiliate member – meaning I didn’t show in the IHSA circuit (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association), but still took lessons, attended the shows and participated in all team activities. If you know anything about IHSA and equitation – you know that at these particular horse shows the riders who will be competing pull a horse’s name out of a hat, and aren’t permitted to ride the horse prior to going into the show ring. Since I wasn’t competing, it was my responsibility to groom, tack up, and warm up and ride all the horses prior to the competitors showing them in their classes. In a word? I was BUSY!
I LOVED my time on the team. Not only did I make fabulous friends (many of who i’m still in contact with today), but this was actually my first opportunity to lease my very own horse (pictured above, Symba – AQHA gelding). Well relatively speaking, I “leased” him with 2 other girls so we could share his bill$$$!!! :)
What a fun trip down memory lane! I will leave you with the best picture of all, my team initiation – and YES, I am wearing “polo wraps.” :)
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