Welcome “Tucker” and “Lily” to the Green Barn!

A few weeks ago we welcomed FOUR new faces to the Green Barn the SAME day…

[2 pony faces + 2 people faces = 4 new faces!]

“Tucker,” a sweeter-than-is-right 4 year old OTT gelding whose talent is obvious to all who meet him, and “Lily” a just LOVELY 6 year old Welsh/draft cross who looks like she’s floating on a cloud as she extends in her trot across the flat; and their owners – Lauren and Becca!  Both Lauren and Becca enjoy competing in 3-day eventing, and it’s evident that these horses are talented enough to do just that!

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I’ve had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time already cuddling up to these precious ponies (who are in love with each other, by the way!) as well as watching their owners train a bit; and the talent of all involved is evident – horses and people alike!

I look forward to getting to know EVERYONE better as we move into SPRING (yay!) and to many sun and fun-filled days at the barn and cool bonfire nights!  Welcome, to all!  Glad you’re here!

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Check out this adorable video of our new babies stretching their legs in the big field!

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