Snapshots of Summer – Part 2

As we transition from summer to fall, I love to take a little stroll down memory lane… here are some snapshots of our glorious summer at the Green Barn


We expanded! This is the inside of the “other” Green Barn!

Poor Aidan was sick… this was right after he choked and I was consoling him… he’s good as new now!!

Hay days!

It took me quite awhile to figure out what this was… but don’t worry, she’s harmless. :)

The Army came to the Green Barn… read the blog!

Ozark enjoying the sunshine

Nothing like a snooze on a warm summer day :) Baylor is is dream-land

Grandpa Ozark and Mommy Serenade watching over babies – Remmy and Ruby… awww!!!

Chloe and Fanny… BFFs

More river exploration with Heather, Addie, Duke and Ranger!

And as if life couldn’t get better… we move into NFL season with my Steelers kicking butt as usual!!!!!

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