Thankful for… a Merry Christmas post

On this Christmas, I am thankful.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband, and 2 adorable snow-puppies… who happily and without complaint, spent our first white Christmas in Tennessee taking care of the 9 Green Barn ponies.

I am thankful for those 9 4-legged babies, each with their own truly unique personality.  Having the opportunity to spend time caring for them each day fills me with continued joy.  I feel so lucky.

I am thankful for my beautiful mother (as I call her – MOOM), and that even though we weren’t able to be physically together this day, we are always “together.”  She gets me.  I wouldn’t be ME without HER.

I am thankful for new friends (with common interests!!!) that have made their way into my life in recent months.  Soooo very thankful!

I am thankful my house smells like the perfect mix of Christmas ham, Christmas tree and cinnamon.

I am thankful for brand-spanking new “Original Muck Boot Company” boots.  No more cold, wet tootsies!

I am thankful that although we live 700 miles away from each other, my amazing mother-in-law sent me boxes of her homemade Christmas cookies!  YUMMMMM :)

I am thankful that I could go on all night with “things to be thankful for.”

Most of all, i’m thankful that even though this is my 2nd Christmas without my daddy, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that because of the true meaning of Christmas, I will get to be with him again.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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