
What is your horse saying to you?

It doesn’t take a genius to tell when a horse is downright angry… his ears are pinned, nostrils flared, eyes wide and crazy… just basically looks like he’s about to trample you, and just might!

But just the other day my husband asked me “why is Serenade standing like that?… Continue Reading

Introductions… exciting AND frightening!

A little bit of preparation and a LOT of stress goes into introducing new horses to an already-established herd.  Just like the new kid at school, many thoughts are present… “will they like me? …accept me? …try to eat me?”  The answer is maybe – to all of the above!

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Horse adoption… fantastic! Or buyer beware?

Answer… BOTH!

I have witnessed, first hand, many horse adoptions that have had EXTREMELY happy endings on both ends!  Retired racehorse with ribs showing and anxiety issues meets young lady with enough love to put 200 lbs on her :)  Grandpa Grey TB meets little girl whose whole world is now wrapped up in those 4 legs…  In fact, there are people out there who specialize in this very thing, placing horses in the loving hands of people who are able to and will do everything in their power to care for them.  

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It’s “priddy” great…

…to have a friend who’s so ridiculously talented.

A HUGE thank you to Elizabeth Priddy of for taking these breathtaking photos of The Green Barn and the horses who call it home!

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How much is your horse worth?

If you’re anything like me, you could never place a dollar value on your horse… are you kidding me?  She’s like a member of my family!  But it is important to be knowledgeable when it comes to horse prices, especially if you’re in the market to purchase one.  

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The Green Barn – October Updates!

Interested in what’s new at The Green Barn?  Check out TGB’s October Newsletter for more info!

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Today’s the day!

The WEG starts today!!

Held every 4 years, the World Equestrian Games (WEG) is the ultimate in equestrian competition.  Combining the disciplines of jumpingdressageeventingdrivingendurance and vaulting all in one place, the 2010 Games are being held for the very first time on US soil.  

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What’s more difficult?

Caring for 9 horses on a 25 acre farm day in and day out or getting the sign to hang straight?  LOL!

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It’s all about balance…

Although The Green Barn prides itself on natural and holistic horse care, the mantra is EVERYTHING IN BALANCE.  We firmly believe in allowing our horses to enjoy their natural habitat as much as possible, although recognize that many of them require an extra layer of blanketing on cold winter nights and a warm, fluffy bed of pine shavings.  … Continue Reading

What are we feeding our beloved pets?

It goes without saying that most “horse people” are, by nature, “pet people” in general.  Having said that, one of the most important things we can do for our 4-legged friends, horses or other, is to pay close attention to what we are feeding them.… Continue Reading